Animal Spirit of the day: ?
The Bear ~ waking from spiritual slumber, beginning anew
When in balance: inner strength, yearning to grow
When out of balance: withdrawal, lethargy, heaviness
To bring into balance: movement, exercise
After a long winter, the Bear arises from deep slumber. At first the movement and effort are difficult, but the Bear knows it’s time to awaken and move toward the dawning light. The Bear card represents an individual on the cusp of new directions and personal transformation. The initial weeks and months of this spiritual guest may feel tricky, cumbersome, and full of obstacles. But you have no choice, Bear. Winter wanes, the warmth of spring emerges, and your transformation begins. This card feels very fitting with the next wave of individuals awakening between now and March. Those who have been doing the work for a long time will start to see results from all their hard work. Pay it forward by supporting those who will just be beginning the process of purging and awakening to the truth of this reality. ?
#askrebecca #intuitivelifecoach #psychicmedium #bear #innerstrength #yearning #grow #withdrawal #heavy #movement #exercise #winter #personaltransformation #newdirections #springwatch #time #tricky #obstacles #dawn #dawning #light #deep #slumber #emerge #individual #weeks #months #years #payitforward


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