Ask Rebecca One, Two, or Three Questions

Sign up to email, text or voice message me any questions you have, as often as you want, through my new monthly subscription plans. Or if you just want to ask & pay as you go, follow this link: Ask A Question Now
I wanted to come up with a way to be of service for those of you who are on the go, have limited resources or only need a couple questions answered a month. Below you can select which plan fits your needs best.

1 Question A Month for $22

2 Questions A Month for $35

3 Questions A Month for $58

Personalized Monthly Psychic Subscriptions


Register to receive your personalized monthly psychic predictions now!

You will receive a video on the first of each month with predictions for the overall energy theme for the month. Plus, what you can expect each week in love, work, finances, health, and spirituality. You’ll also receive coaching tips to help you navigate the energies of the month.

The monthly subscription fee is $68 and you can cancel at any time. All you need to do is let Rebecca know prior to the beginning of the month.

If you’re ready to subscribe please click the button below to place your order. You will receive your first video within a day or two of subscribing.


Feel free to contact me, I would love to here from you!


DISCLAIMER: The information provided on, and in any reports, emails, or other materials you might receive from, is for entertainment purposes only. Obviously, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of intuitve/psychic information, and we are not responsible for how you interpret or apply it. If you are struggling with serious problems, including chronic illness, mental instability, or legal issues, please consult with your local registered health care or legal professional as soon as possible. Please also carefully read the full Terms of Service 

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