AskRebecca Question:

Hi Rebecca,

With all my  issues will I get a definite answer on the 13th of February?

Hi Chad,

Thank you for submitting a question to me.
Here’s what I picked up on from you regarding an energetic manner. Physically you are carrying a lot of anxiety and fear in your chest. I was feeling a lot of pressure and a burning sensation. I feel your issues surround matters of the heart. You are carrying a lot of anger, sadness, fear, frustration and hurt throughout your torso. These energetic blocks stem from past relationship issues and your childhood. I also feel you have some repressed sexual energies you are holding onto. I feel you may have suffered from some sort of abuse as a child. I also feel you avoid dealing with all your issues through an addiction or two and by constantly keeping yourself busy. I feel you may overeat, smoke and may also indulge a little too much in alcohol and drugs. You may be suffering from heartburn, indigestion and upper shoulder and back pain.  Your chest feels extremely blocked to me.  However, overall you feel healthy and you feel as if you are going through a healing and cleansing process. You are wide open to all possibilities and primed for the next chapters in your life. These are exciting times even if they feel scary in the moment. The unknown is something that scares you. You have a tendency to try and control the things in your life that can’t be controlled which causes you undo stress. In life the only thing you can control is your emotions, how you feel and how you choose to react.
In regards to your question which I believe has something to do with a legal matter and/or love relationship. I feel you will receive a definite answer but it may not be the one you are hoping you will receive and it may not be on February 13th. This is because I feel there is some indecision, confusion and information overload on your part and when those types of energies are sent out to the universe, it’s what you receive in return. The more clear and decisive you feel internally the more the Universe will respond with what you want. You are the creator of your reality. Right now though I feel your stuck between a rock and a hard place and you feel you have to make a choice but either choice could pose negative consequences because you’re not sure you want that definite answer. I feel you may be feeling overwhelmed with others opinions and advice. Listen to your heart and trust yourself. Do what is in the best interest of you.  I also feel you are open to a new perspective and are ready to release your past to move forward in a more positive manner. I feel you are unclear of what you are really searching for so your views at this time are a bit illusory, and may tend to be more fantasy based and can’t actually be realized in the real world. I feel you are refusing to examine yourself and what you truly want, so on some level you are settling for less. You need to stop and take some time to think in order to really find yourself to figure out what it is you want out of life. Heal all your past hurts, continue to be open to change, and set intentions for a brighter future. You have a lot going for yourself, believe and love yourself.
Chad, I feel strongly you have gone through some difficult times and because of those difficult times you are more open to change and self acceptance. You have reflected on your past and seen what does and doesn’t work. I know you don’t want to be a victim because you are taking accountability for where you are in life. You need to free yourself from your past. You have some skeletons in your closet that need to be let go. You have to stop beating yourself up and become very conscious of old patterns of behavior. Breaking those patterns and old belief systems will help you move forward. You are such a nice guy and have a lot to offer. I feel you could make a real difference in other people’s lives by sharing your true story with them and helping them to forgive.
I hope I was able to shed some light on your question. I wish you all the best. If you would like some help in how to overcome your past I offer life coaching sessions and am more than happy to do a free consultation with you to see if I can help. Either way, keep in touch and let me know how February 13th works out for you.

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